2016 Events
Friends Day – Friday, September 23
Please join us! These events offer a chance to get a behind-the-scenes look at Petrified Forest National Park, meet Park Service leaders and give back to a park that gives us so much! We invite one and all to please join us for these fun and free events!
- 9:00 am – Field tour. Take a field trip to Paleontological sites, Prairie Dog translocation sites, and other current National Park Service research and monitoring areas. Meet at Painted Desert Visitor Center (Just off Exit 311)
- 2:00 pm – Museum Collection Tour. With an active research program, Petrified Forest National Park has over 300,000 objects in its collection. These include fossils, ancients pottery, photographs, paintings, plant and animal specimens and much, much more! Please meet at Painted Desert Visitor Center for this tour.
- 5:30 pm – Sunset Barbecue Dinner at Chinde Point. This will be an opportunity to enjoy a sublime view, great food and even better company. Please RSVP in advance for dinner by using our Contact Form. Please RSVP by Sept 19.
- Note – Free camping is available at Chinde Point to those who RSVP by responding in advance by using our Contact Form. Please RSVP by Sept 19. Free entrance to the park is available to those attending the above events!
Volunteer Day/Public Lands Day, Saturday, September 24
9:00 am–4:00 pm. Please join us to remove barbed wire to benefit pronghorn and other wildlife on the recently acquired Paulsell Ranch. Through the efforts of volunteers, several miles of old fence have been removed from the park. Your work allows pronghorn to freely roam these lands and reduces the risk of tragic wildlife fence entanglements.
Meet at the park headquarters parking lot (exit 311). The park will provide lunches, water and hand tools. Participants are asked to wear work clothes and sturdy shoes, bring their own gloves and water bottle and be prepared to walk a few miles over the course of the day.
We look forward to seeing you at the Park for these fun events!
Please RSVP in advance for the Volunteer Day by using our Contact Form. Please RSVP by Sept 19.